Overall specifications to be followed. The specifications are continuously updated.
For specifications: see Products
General specs
All publishers on this site use the Google Ad Manager adserver, see specific HTML5 guidelines here.
Deadline: 3 weekdays
If delivered later, it can not be guaranteed that the campaign will start at the scheduled start date and the supplier may be charged an administration fee or deducted from the material feeDeliver creatives to adops@jppol.dk
if cookies are placed and/or personal data is processed, the creatives must comply with these data guidelines: https://jppol.dk/dataguidelines/
Please note that JavaScript in banner attachments may be rejected by some mail programs. Please consider using services like WeTransfer or Dropbox for safety
All material must be SSL-secured (HTTPS)
Links should always open in a new tab (target=”_blank”)
Heavy banners are blocked in Chrome, keep CPU consumption low, click here for more info
All banner material must stay within the framework of the designated banner space.
If a banner got a white background it is required to have a obvious border around it (1x1px is fine)
Banners must include the advertiser’s logo
Banners are not allowed to imitate an editorial article
Flash files/calls can’t be used, as it doesn’t work as intended in all newer browsers
Avoid use of special letters and whitespace in filenames and urls
The advertiser is responsible for banner material, both functionality and design. Banners that interfere with editorial content or cause technical problems to visitors will be removed immediately
If there is sound in the banner, it must first be played at either click or mouse-over with a 1 second delay. However sticky banners with sound with click. Any Audio must always stop at mouse-out