File types

Formats (All measurements are pixels (width x height))
Desktop: 2560×1440 – Click here to see the template and safezones
Mobile: 736×736 – Click here to see the template and safezones

Note – ref. safezones

  • Since the product has a scroll effect (just like midscroll), we recommend keeping all messages centered and staying away from the sides of the format.
  • The area that the user can see depends on the user’s screen size.
  • Be aware that the banner will not be seen fully if the user has set the browser or screen setting for eg. 150%.
  • Topscroll shown only for non-logged in users.

Max 500 KB for desktop and max 200 KB for mobile.
(Heavy banners are blocked in Chrome – click here for more info)

Previews for Politiken Topscroll Desktop
Previews for Politiken Topscroll Mobile (Mobile previews need to be used on a mobile device)

If you have issues seeing topscroll on the previews, please try this:

  • Remember to be logged out of the site if you have a user id.
  • Accept cookies.
  • Try copying the url into an incognito browser instead of clicking on the link.

General specs – Click here

File types

Formats (width x height)
Desktop: 16:9 size ratio
Mobile: 9:16 size ratio


  • The main message is placed at least 20% from the top and 35% from the bottom to ensure that it is visible to all users.
  • Be aware that an animated arrow will be added to the bottom-center of the banner (see example below).


  • Since the product has a scroll effect (just like midscroll), we recommend keeping all messages centered and staying away from the sides of the format.
  • The area that the user can see depends on the user’s screen size.
  • Be aware that the banner will not be seen fully if the user has set the browser or screen setting for eg. 150%.
  • Topscroll shown only for non-logged in users.

Weight and length
The video must weight a maximum of 3.5 MB and the recommended length is 5 seconds.
(Heavy banners are blocked in Chrome – click here for more info)

General specs – Click here

File Type
Must be delivered as a responsive ZIP file containing all necessary assets (text, animations, logos, etc.).
The URL should be sent separately. Note that only one click URL can be handled.

Formats (All measurements are pixels (width x height))
Desktop: 2560×1440
Mobil: 1080×1920

Safe Zones

  • Place key messaging centrally.
  • Be aware that an animated arrow will be added to the bottom-center of the banner (see example below).


  • The format must be responsive and adjust to the browser window’s width and height.
  • As this product uses a scroll effect (similar to midscroll), it is recommended to keep all key messaging centered and avoid placing content near the edges.
  • Banners may be cropped if users have their browser or screen settings set to, for example, 150% zoom.
  • Topscroll shown only for non-logged in users.

File Weight and Duration

Weight and length
The video must weight a maximum of 3.5 MB and the recommended length is 5 seconds.
(Heavy banners are blocked in Chrome – click here for more info)

General Specs – Click here

When using Adnami’s technology, setup, dialogue, and associated costs are the responsibility of the advertiser.

Format: Topscroll
File Types: Must be delivered in JPG, GIF, MP4, or PNG.

For Image Files (All measurements are pixels (width x height))
– Desktop: 2560×1440 – Click here for the desktop topscroll template and safe zones.
– Mobile: 736×736 – Click here for the mobile topscroll template and safe zones.

For MP4 (width x height)
– Desktop: 16:9 aspect ratio.
– Mobile: 9:16 aspect ratio.
Place the main message at least 20% from the top and 35% from the bottom to ensure visibility across all devices.

Format: Sticky Banner
File Types: Must be delivered in JPG or PNG.

(All measurements are pixels (width x height))
– Desktop Sticky: 2560×144 – Click here for the desktop sticky banner template and safe zones.
– Mobile Sticky: 1080×192 – Click here for the mobile sticky banner template and safe zones.


  • As this product uses a scroll effect (similar to midscroll), it is recommended to keep all key messaging centered and avoid placing content near the edges of the format.
  • The visible area depends on the user’s screen size.
  • Be aware that banners may be cropped if users have their browser or screen settings set to, for example, 150% zoom.
  • Only displayed to non-logged-in users.

File Weight:

  • Maximum 500 KB for desktop and 200 KB for mobile topscroll banners.
  • Maximum 200 KB for sticky banners on both desktop and mobile.

Test Links:


  • Ensure you are logged out if you have an account.
  • Accept cookies to view the banner.
  • If the topscroll still doesn’t appear, try copying the URL into an incognito browser window instead of clicking the link directly.

General Specs – Click here.