What is Conversion Tracking?
Conversion Tracking, also called Post Click Tracking (PCT), allows for tracking of user behavior after viewing an ad, and attribute the users following conversion to the advertisers site.
Many users never click on an ad, but nevertheless visit the advertiser’s website shortly after exposure through other channels. By using Conversion Tracking, it is possible to attribute the actual effect of the ad, to users’ subsequent visits or conversions on the customer’s website.
Why use Conversion Tracking?
Conversion Tracking can be an important tool to increase insight into user behavior and the real effect of display advertising, which can not only be deduced from the number of clicks to the advertiser’s site.
– Gain insight into the amount traffic a campaign has generated to the advertiser’s site, which does not simply originate from ad clicks.
– See how many purchases, orders, sign-ups, etc. the campaign contributed to.
How does Conversion Tracking work?
– Javascript tag (pixel) is created by JP/Politiken Ad Operations and the advertiser places it on their website.
– The Campaign is setup up to run as usual and the derived effect or conversions of users can subsequently be measured.
NB. Due to GDPR legislation, it is required to sign a data agreement with JP/Politikens Hus when applying Conversion Tracking to campaigns. Please get in touch with your JPPOL contact who can assist in drafting the agreement.
Because Conversion Tracking relies on cookies, many Conversion Tracking campaigns are also affected by the limitations imposed by ITP and other tracking prevention measures.